Using WhatToMine to determine the most profitable GPU coins for your rig.

Okay, so you've built your mining rig and your mining Ehtereum or some other currency. But as the difficulty rate increases, you want to look into alternatives and see what other currencies might be suitable for your rig and GPU's.

The best place to accomplish that is Here, you can enter in the number of GPU's you have, your electricity costs and find out which crypto currency would be the most profitable for your rig.

It's fairly straightforward to use. You basically enter in the number of GPU's you have in the associated field, in the photo below I entered 6 in the 1070 field, click on the actual name of the video card so that it turns green as shown below for NVidia or red for AMD, change the electricity cost to your cost and then hit calculate.

The default "Sort by" is set to 24h. So the column under "Rev. $ Profit" is the profit you would make over a 24 hour period. This can be changed to several options, using the drop down under Sort by.

In my example, Ethereum at this time would yield $12.73 over a 24 hour period as shown by the green highlighted row.

The currencies shown are compared to Ethereum, with Ethereum being the baseline. So you can see there are several other currencies that at this time, it would be more profitable to mine. Zcash for example is showing a profit of $13.86 over 24 hours and Signatum at $15.32

So as you see, you have a variety of options to mine... to me, mining is a little like the stock market. Some coins can increase, while others can decrease. Deciding on which coin to mine may take a little research so you can decide on which coin has the greatest chance of increasing in value :)

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